Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Pacson History

From local to epic. PacSun started as a small surf shop in SoCal in 1980. Founder Tom Moore opened his Newport Beach store and sold surfboards, wax, swimsuits and all things beach. He carried all the brands he'd sport himself (OP, Lightning Bolt, etc). Then, a year later, he and his partners amped the concept with a second store in Santa Monica-this time in a mall for year-round business. He called it Pacific Sunwear.
The mall idea turned out to be a killer call, as Pacific Sunwear was among the first to bring surf to the masses. Serious success followed and revolutionized Pacific Sunwear as a primary destination for teen fashion.

Today, PacSun remains true to its roots, bringing the hottest brands, lifestyle apparel, accessories, sunglasses, footwear and skateboards to youth. And, the authentic action sports theme lives large in all we do-as does our culture of creativity, team spirit and passion.

SoCal remains our heart, with our headquarters in Anaheim, California (yea, it's rough). We have an on-site gym for those who work at HQ, and a full-service cafe. Other benefits? Medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401K-and the employee discount!

We also have a distribution center that is located in Olathe, Kansas. Corporate and Distribution positions are available in Anaheim and Kansas and Regional, District and Store opportunities are open nationwide. Want to come on board?